Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story – Game Introduction
Welcome to the Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story Collector’s Edition walkthrough on Gamezebo. Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story Collector’s Edition is a Hidden Object Game played on the PC created by Alawar Friday’s Games. This walkthrough includes tips and tricks, helpful hints, and a strategy guide on how to complete Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story Collector’s Edition.
General Tips
This hidden object game requires visiting several locations and using inventory items to advance play.
- Play is generally non-linear but some areas or tasks must be complete to open another area.
- CAPITALIZED inventory items are meant to make it easier to find where this guide may deviate from your own play. Press the Ctrl-F key combination to search this guide for key words.
- There are 36 Beyond objects. These objects transform between another objects (i.e. a hat and a bird’s nest). There is no bonus awarded for finding them, just your own satisfaction. Beyond objects are found only in the main scenes. Every Beyond object is included in a screenshot and noted in the text.
- Inventory items may be carried for several scenes before being used. Some items are automatically added to inventory, others must be selected.
- Always move the cursor around a scene. Watch the cursor to see if it changes into a hand or magnifying glass.
Beginning Play:
- Profiles – Create or delete player profiles.
- Options – Change music and sound effects volume. You may select or deselect full screen and custom cursor play.
- Mode – There are two modes of play. You cannot change modes during the game. Should you decide to play in a different mode, you will need to exit to the main menu and create a new profile.
- Casual – The Hint bar recharges in one minute. Interactive areas are highlighted.
- Expert – The Hint bar requires two minutes to recharge. Interactive areas are not highlighted.
- Diary – The diary contains two sections:
- Journal – Contains important information to help explain the story. A glowing diary indicates new information.
- Map – Shows your current location (a red arrow) and all active areas. Areas highlighted in green indicate activities are not complete. A brown area indicates there no current tasks there but the area is not complete. You cannot use the map to change locations.
- Menu – Continue, Options, Help or Exit.
- Inventory/Item List – A scrollable list of icons showing available items or a list of hidden items to be collected.
- Hint/Skip bar – Clicking will show a random item from an itemized list. Hints are not limited. The bar turns into a Skip bar for puzzles.
Symbol Meanings:
- Magnifying Glass – Zoom in on interactive area. Click the “X” or outside the zoom box to exit the area.
- Hand – Pick up or move an item.
- Glint – Investigate this area.
- Glowing – Hidden object area.
Your list for hidden objects may vary from this guide. For this reason, screenshots only show inventory and Beyond object locations. The word “Beyond” is always in bold print to draw your attention to its existence in the screenshot.
A short clip explains the background and introduces the story line for play.
Play the optional tutorial to learn how to interact with objects and characters.
Chapter 1: The Mysterious Box

- Click the box to open the interactive area (A). Pliers are needed to open it.
- Click the couch (B) to move it away from the trap door.
- Click the trap door to open the hidden object area.
- Find the objects listed. Collect the PLIERS.
- Use the PLIERS to open the box. Collect the helpful button-eyed, zippered doll and a DRAWER KEY (C).
- Use the DRAWER KEY to open the cabinet drawer. Click three times to unlock the drawer.

- Click the folder to zoom in on the records (A).
- Click the torn photo. The helpful doll provides the other HALF OF A PHOTO. Combine the two photo portions.
- Zoom in on the wedding photo. Collect the ERASER.
- Use the ERASER on the scribbled over address location.
- Watch the cut scene for the transition to Sam’s hometown.
Chapter 2: Beginning the Search

- Speak to Jimmy (A).
- Access the hidden object area (B). Collect the TOY ROOF and DOLLHOUSE KEY.
- Click the dollhouse (C). Mend the TOY ROOF. Insert the DOLLHOUSE KEY in the door. Collect the MAILBOX HANDLE from inside the dollhouse.
- Place the MAILBOX HANDLE on the mailbox (D). Click to open. Collect the TOY WINDOW and read the newspaper.
- Place the TOY WINDOW in the dollhouse (C).

- Jimmy turns into a DOLL FOR DOLLHOUSE.
- Place the doll in the house (A). A RAG is added to inventory.
- Click the interactive area on the bench (B). Collect the WALKING STICK.
- The transforming lantern (C) on the porch is the first Beyond object.
- Follow the arrow to the next location, the toy store.

- Place the WALKING STICK in the slot for a lever on the box. Click to open. Collect the SHOVEL.
- Collect the second Beyond object (hat and nest).
- Return to the house.
- Access the interactive bench area again. Use the SHOVEL to uncover STEEL FANGS in the pile of sand.
- Return to the toy store.
- Access the gate lock (dashed white circle).

- Insert the STEEL FANGS in the center of the lock.
- Align the circles based on patterns. Start with the outside.
- Refer to the solution (inset above) to help solve the puzzle.
- The five claw marks on the outside ring (1 above) are on top.
- All circles move 1/4 turn when clicked. Their movement is as follows:
- Click circle 1. Circle 1 moves clockwise, circle 3 moves counter clockwise.
- Click circle 2. Circle 2 moves clockwise, circle 4 moves counter clockwise.
- Click circle 3. Only circle 3 moves. It moves clockwise.
- Click circle 4. Circle 4 moves clockwise, circle 1 move counter clockwise
- Proceed through the gates to the police station.
Chapter 3: The Police Station

- Access the hidden object area (A). Collect the SKULL LOCKET and WIRE CUTTERS.
- Pick up the BUG SPRAY and CANDLE from the box (B).
- Collect the Beyond objects (C) above the door.
- Return to the toy store area.
- Access the interactive area on the tree (D).
- Use the BUG SPRAY and WIRE CUTTERS to free the DOLL’S ARM.
- Return to the house.

- Collect the CAN OPENER and SKULL LOCKET from the hidden object area (A).
- Access the lock on the front door (B).
- Places the DOLL’S ARM on the figure. The lock is sawed off.
- Enter the house.

- Attempt to enter the second floor (A) to pursue the shadowy figure. The stairs burst into flames. Place the CANDLE in the flames to get a BURNING CANDLE.
- Access the cabinet (B). Use the CAN OPENER to open the tin to get the BIRD SEED.
- Place the BIRD SEED in the birdcage feeder (C). While the bird is eating, take the CABINET KEY from its neck.
- Put the key in the cabinet drawer (B). Get the PICKAXE.
- Get the Beyond objects (D) on the couch.
- Exit the house.
- Return to the toy store. Access the interactive area at the side of the store.
- Use the PICKAXE to extricate the POLICE STATION KEY from the wall above the trash bin.
- Continue through the gates to the police station.

- Use the RAG to remove the goo around the door knob.
- Place the POLICE STATION KEY in the lock. Click three times to open the door.
- Enter the police station.
- Access the hidden object area (B). Collect the SKULL LOCKET and FLASK WITH HOT WATER.
- Click the cabinet (C). Remove the PUNCH CARD. The code “XXX5” behind the card is noted in the journal. The “5” represents the last diget of a code combination.
- Click the Beyond object (D) above the door.
- Proceed to the second floor.

- Click the Beyond objects (A) on the wall.
- Access the police chief’s photo (B). Note the code “XX2X” next to the frame. The “2” represents the third digit of a code combination.
- If you did not light the candle from the stairway flames when you were at the house, return and complete this task.
- Access the broken lamp on the stairs (C). Place the BURNING CANDLE on the oil spill on the step. The numbers “86” are the first two numbers of the code combination.
- Continue up the stairs to the combination lock on the door (D).
- Place the cursor on the tip of the dial. Drag the dial to the number “8”. When the number shows in the first position of the tumblers, release the mouse button. Repeat the process until the tumbler shows 8-6-2-5. If you make a mistake, click the reset button on the left.
- Enter the chief’s office.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A) under the desk.
- Access the ancient machine (B).
- Click the green arrow button (1). Insert the PUNCH CARD into the tray (2). Collect the DAGGER (3).
- Return to the second floor.
- Use the DAGGER on the chief’s picture. Collect the PUZZLE hidden behind the picture.
- Go to the first floor.

- Access the cabinet.
- Place the PUZZLE in the slot.
- Move the skull from the top to the bottom. Move horizontally or diagonally to neighboring cells.
- One solution is shown above. You may also view the video of the solution.
- Collect the POLICE BADGE.
- Return to the chief’s office.
- Place the POLICE BADGE in the lock slot holding the chains on the chief.
- Speak to the chief. He turns into a DOLL FOR THE DOLLHOUSE. Place him in the glowing position and watch the cut scene.
- Receive a STEEL PIPE in inventory.

- The chief’s office is now free of evil. Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Inspect the bulletin board (B) to read about the murders.
- Place the STEEL PIPE under the jaws-of-death door to hold it up. A hidden object area appears (C). Collect the SHUTTER CORD and SKULL LOCKET.
- Access the shutter area (D). Attach the SHUTTER CORD. Click to raise the blinds.
- Collect a CROWBAR and VALVE.
- Return to the first floor.
- Use the CROWBAR on the boards covering the area on the left side of the hall. Collect the EMPTY BUCKET.
- Exit the police station.
- Access the water pipe next to the building. Place the VALVE on the spigot. Water begins to flow. Place the EMPTY BUCKET on the pipe. Pick up the BUCKET WITH WATER.
- Return to the house.

- Throw the BUCKET WITH WATER on the stairs to extinguish the flames.
- Access the lock area. Place the four SKULL LOCKETS in the empty slots.
- Use the empty slot to help rotate the skulls to the correct position based on the number of eyes. Watch the video to see one solution.

- Access the hidden object area (A). Collect a CLOWN LEG and WIRE.
- Use the WIRE to extricate the DOLL FOR THE DOLLHOUSE from the stairs (B).
- Place the DOLL and watch the cut scene.
- Receive a CHILDREN’S PLAY ROOM KEY for inventory.
Chapter 4: The Toy Store

- The living room is now free of evil. Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Collect the OVEN MITT from the coat area (B).
- Go to the second floor landing (C). Collect the Beyond objects atop the newel post at the top of the stairs.
- Use the CHILDREN’S PLAY ROOM KEY to open the door to the play room.
- Enter the room.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Access the hidden object area (B). Collect a ZIPPER SLIDER and METAL ROSE.
- Use the OVEN MITT to extract the CABINET KEY from the blue flames (C).
- Use the CABINET KEY to unlock the cabinet (D). Collect the NAILS and COIN. Read the documents.

- Return to the landing.
- Place the METAL ROSE in the slot to open the sewing machine cabinet (A). Collect the DUSTER.
- Return to the play room.
- Access the hearth area (B). Use the DUSTER to remove the glass around the HAMMER.
- Answer the phone (C).
- Return to the living room.
- Use the NAILS and HAMMER to repair the LADDER.
- Return to the police station.

- Place the LADDER against the tree.
- Use the FLASK WITH HOT WATER to melt the ice around the STEEL MOON (B).
- Return to the toy store.
- Place the STEEL MOON in the mechanism covering the window (C).
- Use the HAMMER to break the glass.
- Enter the toy store.

- Speak with the friendly clown.
- Access the hatch in the floor (A). Watch Sam disappear.
- Collect the Beyond objects (B).
- Place the ZIPPER SLIDER on the bear (C). Collect the SMALL KEY.
- Use the SMALL KEY on the lock guarding the back room (D). Solve the interactive puzzle to gain entrance.

Put the objects together in such a way that a plant will eat the lock. Here is one way (the following numbers correspond with the numbers in the screenshot):
- Place the weight (aqua) on the board. It tilts, gives the cat a fish and gives you a coin.
- Place the coin in the gumball machine slot. A gear comes out. Collect the other two gears (green).
- Place the gears in the projector. The image 4-2-3 displays on the orange sheet.
- Collect and place the three pieces of the picture (yellow).
- Collect the three batteries (pink) and place them in the battery slots.
- Use the lighter (blue) to light the wood. The balloon rises, tilts the watering can and water drips into the pipes.
- Arrange the pipes so the water flows from the top to the side outlet.
- Place the hose (white) on the water outlet slot. It fits into the pot.
- Collect the seed and place it in the pot. It grows and eats the lock.
Or watch the video:

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Collect the NUT and EMPTY OILER from the hidden object area (B).
- Collect the CASH REGISTER LEVER from the patient on the gurney (C).
- Return to the front of the store.
- Place the CASH REGISTER LEVER and the COIN on the cash register.
- Crank the handle several times. The drawer opens. Collect a METAL FIGURE.
- Return to the house.

- Place the METAL FIGURE on the locking mechanism on the case. The case opens. Collect the SCISSORS.
- Go upstairs.
- Use the SCISSORS to snip the NEEDLE AND THREAD from the sewing machine.
- All activities have now been completed at the house.
- Return to the toy store.

- Collect the CLOWN’S HEART and DRAGON from the hidden object area (A).
- Enter the back room.
- Place the CLOWN’S LEG and CLOWN’S HEART on the clown. Sew it all up with the NEEDLE AND THREAD.
- Place the DOLL FOR THE DOLLHOUSE in the glowing spot (C).
- Watch the cut scene.
- Receive a TUNNEL KEY.
- Use the TUNNEL KEY to unlock the hatch. Enter the tunnel.
Chapter 5: The Tunnel to the Train

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Access the hidden object area (B). Collect the WRENCH and CLOCK HAND.
- Access the drawbridge mechanism (C). Place the NUT and use the WRENCH to tighten it.
- Cross the bridge and go up the stairs.
- Collect the Beyond objects (D).
- Pick up the BROOM.
- Continue upward.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Access the hidden object area (B). Collect the FLY SWATTER and HOOK.
- Return to the landing.
- Use the FLY SWATTER on the fly (C).
- Return to the room.
- Give the FLY to the spider. It scurries away to eat its snack.
- Use the BROOM to clear away the spider’s web.
- Enter the train. Talk to the clown.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A) and the SYRINGE.
- Exit the train.
- Collect the Beyond objects (B).
- Collect the LANTERN and RUBY EYE from the hidden object area.
- Continue up the road to the orphanage.

- Collect the Beyond objects (aqua).
- Access the fountain. Use the HOOK to pull the plug.
- Collect the GLASS SHARD and ROPE from the hidden object area.
- Note that the time on the clock is 3:00.
- Return to the train.

- Place the ROPE on the window latch (A). Click to open.
- Collect the SCREWDRIVER.
- Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the screws on the grate (B).
- Enter the train to return to the room at the top of the tunnel.

- Use the SYRINGE WITH ACID to melt the rusted plate (A).
- Collect the BIG VALVE HANDLE.
- Return to the tunnel landing (B).
- Use the BIG VALVE HANDLE to turn off the steam.
- Click to access the panel.
- Place the doll and watch the cut scene.
- Another CLOCK HAND is added to inventory.
Chapter 6: The Amusement Park

- Return to the train (A).
- Add the both CLOCK HANDS to the lock on the clown.
- Set the time to 3:00 (the time on the clock tower at the orphanage).
- Open the briefcase (dashed aqua) the clown gives you.
- Collect the CAGE KEY.
- Return to the room at the top of the tunnel (B).
- Access the hatch. Insert the HATCH KEY. Click to open.

- Collect the FISHING NET (A) and the Beyond objects (B).
- Use the SCREWDRIVER to remove the electrical plate (C).
- Collect the DRAGON and DEAD BATTERY.
- Access the mannequin. Collect the CHAIN.
- Click the neck plate to expose two wires.
- Attach the DEAD BATTERY to the wires. It charges.
- Open the electrical area again.
- Install the CHARGED BATTERY and link the gears with the CHAIN.
- Click the handle to move the cage and escape.
- Navigate to the concession stand by the train.

- Return to the train.
- Use the CORKSCREW to remove the barrel cork.
- Fill the EMPTY OILER.
- Go to the orphanage.
- Speak to Jimmy. He gives you a VIDEO TAPE.
- Open the lock area on the gate to the amusement park.
- Place both DRAGONS in the slots on the lock to open it.

- Enter the amusement park (A).
- Collect the Beyond objects (red).
- Collect the MASK FRAGMENT and CURTAIN LEVER from the hidden object area.
- Read the newspaper.
- Access the clown gate entrance.
- Use the FULL OILER on the height bar.
- Enter the clown’s mouth.
- Talk to Kim (B).
- Use the FISHING NET to retrieve the green BALL.
- Collect the Beyond objects (C) on the right side of the carnival wagon.
- Return to the park entrance.
- Access the area below the carousel.
- Place the BALL in the empty slot. Click to open the area.
- Collect the SAW.
- Return through the clown’s mouth.
- Cut down the tree by the river with the SAW.
- Cross the river.

- Place the LANTERN next to the open grave. Pick up the FILM REEL.
- Collect the Beyond objects.
- Return to the park entrance.
- Access the area below the carousel.
- Place the PAINT THINNER on the dried paint cans.
- Return to Kim and give her the CANS OF PAINT.
- View the picture.
- Pick up the MASK FRAGMENT.
- Place the three MASK FRAGMENTS on the face on the wagon door.
- Enter the carnival wagon

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Collect the RUBY EYE and FLEUR-DE-LIS from the hidden object area (B).
- Place the FILM REEL on the projector (C).
- Insert the CURTAIN LEVER in the slot (D).
- Watch the movie.
- Collect the SADDLE from the horse (E).
- Return to the park entrance

- Use the SHARD OF GLASS on the curtain covering the carousel.
- Place the SADDLE on the horse.
- Place the doll. Watch the cut scene.
- Exit the park.
- Access the statue head on the left side of the orphanage courtyard.
- Place the two RUBY EYES in the statue. Collect a FLEUR-DE-LIS.
- Navigate to the amusement park graveyard.

- Collect the INSULATION TAPE and FILE.
- Access the interactive area on the grave marker.
- Place the three FLEUR-DE-LIS emblems in the slots indicated (aqua).
- Collect the second ORPHANAGE KEY.
- Return to the orphanage courtyard.
Chapter 7:The Orphanage

- At the entrance to the orphanage (A), use the FILE to get the TRAIN LEVER.
- Collect the Beyond objects on the opposite entrance wall.
- Return to the train.
- Use the TRAIN LEVER to release the train (B).
- The train moves forward allowing access to the town.
- Go to the chief’s office.

- Access the control plate of the video player (A).
- Use the INSULATING TAPE to mend the wires.
- Remove the plate screws with the SCREWDRIVER.
- Insert the VIDEO TAPE to see the symbols (B) needed to unlock the orphanage door.
- Return to the lobby.

- Collect the ACCESS CARD and BATTERY from the hidden object area (A).
- Return to the entrance of the orphanage (B).
- Access the lock mechanism.
- Place the red and blue keys in their color-coded slots.
- Click the red key until a sun appears in the top lock portion
- Click the blue key until a moon appears in the bottom lock portion.
- Enter the orphanage.

- Collect the Beyond objects.
- Access the gate control area.
- Collect the PAINTING.
- Read the newspaper.
- Insert the ACCESS CARD in the slot.
- Push the button to open the gate.
- Note the plank on the right side. It is referred to in the next screenshot.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Pick up the AXE (B).
- Click the panel on the wall (C).
- Place the BATTERY. Collect the GEAR and RAZOR.
- Return to the reception area.
- Use the AXE to cut the PLANK to a more manageable size.
- Place the PLANK across the pit (D).
- Cross the plank to the hallway.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Collect the WEED KILLER and PUTTY KNIFE (B).
- Return to the reception area.
- Use the WEED KILLER on the ivy covering the panel behind the desk.
- Open the panel. Collect the RING.
- Access the door lock (C).
- Place the RING on the finger.
- Enter the room.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Place the GEAR on the lock mechanism (B). Click to open. Collect the WIRE and CABINET KEY.
- Use the CABINET KEY on the lock (C). Collect the CROSS and SECRET MACHINE KEY.
- Place the PAINTING in the outline in the picture (D). Click the painting.
- Use the PUTTY KNIFE to scrape away the plaster to reveal a code needed to open the machine room door.
- Place the CROSS in the empty slot surrounding the doll (E).
- Place the DOLL FOR THE DOLLHOUSE in its spot. Watch the cut scene.
- Receive a DOOR KEY.
- Return to the hallway.

- Place the DOOR KEY in the lock mechanism.
- Drag the symbols so the color and patterns match the key in the upper right corner.
- The symbols will light up when correctly placed.
- The correct solution is shown above.
- Enter the machine room.

- Click the clown to show the dialogue.
- Collect the Beyond objects (aqua).
- Access the machine control panel.
- Place the WIRE and MACHINE KEY as shown (green).
- Press the red button to start the machine.
- Watch the cut scene.
- Exit at the bottom of the screen to enter the padded room.
Chapter 8: Saving Sam

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Collect the TONGS and BOOK (B).
- Use the RAZOR to cut the threads on the bedspread (C). Collect the ORNAMENT FRAGMENT.
- Exit at the bottom of the screen. Enter a corridor.
- Collect the Beyond objects (D).
- Exit the corridor at the bottom of the screen to exit the building.
- Enter the cemetery through the gate on the left side of the building.

- Collect the Beyond objects (aqua).
- Use the TONGS to extract the ORNAMENT FRAGMENT from the grave marker.
- Exit the cemetery at the bottom of the screen.
- Re-enter the corridor of the orphanage.
- Place the two ORNAMENT FRAGMENTS in the lock mechanism on the door of the director’s office.
- Enter the director’s office.

- Collect the Beyond objects (A).
- Collect the LIGHTER and JACK (B).
- Read the director’s journal (C).
- Place the BOOK in the book shelf (D). Pick up the TRUNK KEY.
- Exit the building

- Collect the Beyond objects (aqua).
- Use the TRUNK KEY to access the SHOVEL and GAS CAN.
- Go to the cemetery (B).
- Use the SHOVEL on the grave marked by a tire.
- Collect the TIRE.
- Empty the GAS CAN on the clown doll. Use the LIGHTER to set him on fire.
- Exit the cemetery.
- Talk to Sam in the parking lot.
- Exit the parking lot at the bottom of the screen (Do not re-enter the orphanage).
- Exit the street in front of Sam’s old home at the bottom of the screen.
- Meet Kim and Sam at the car.

- JACK up the car and replace the TIRE (A).
- Place the doll (B) in its position in the dollhouse.
- Receive an IGNITION KEY.
- Start the car with the IGNITION KEY (C).
- Head for home.
Congratulations! You have completed playing Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story Collector’s Edition.
Location of all Beyond Objects
Here is a quick reference to the location of all Beyond objects and their chapter location in this guide. Not all morphing objects were identifiable and some are best guesses.
Number | Location | Objects | Chapter |
1 | Toy Store – Tree | Hat/Nest | 2 |
2 | House – Porch | Lantern/Lantern | 2 |
3 | Police Station – Tree | Crow/Cat | 3 |
4 | House – Couch | Basket/? | 3 |
5 | Police Station – 1st Floor | Picture/Picture | 3 |
6 | Police Station – 2nd Floor | Picture/Picture | 3 |
7 | Police Station – Chief’s Office (before) | Bag/Boot | 3 |
8 | Police Station – Chief’s Office (after) | Chain/Wire | 3 |
9 | House – Living Room (after) | Picture/Picture | 4 |
10 | House – 2nd Floor Landing | Apple/8 Ball | 4 |
11 | House – Play Room | Stocking/Rat | 4 |
12 | Toy Store | Doll Head/Ball | 4 |
13 | Toy Store – Back Room | Mask/Stethoscope | 4 |
14 | Tunnel | Mushroom/Mushroom | 5 |
15 | Tunnel – Stairs | Handle/Handle | 5 |
16 | Tunnel – Spider Room | Frog/Rock | 5 |
17 | Train | Doll/Doll | 5 |
18 | Concession Stand | Cross/Bird | 5 |
19 | Orphanage – Lamp | Bird/? | 5 |
20 | Cage | Lock/Hook | 6 |
21 | Amusement Park – Clown Gate | Design/Design | 6 |
22 | Amusement Park – Carnival Wagon | Flower/Flower | 6 |
23 | Amusement Park – Graveyard | Wreath/Wreath | 6 |
24 | Amusement Park – Carnival Wagon | Bottle/Trophy | 6 |
25 | Orphanage Entrance | Address/Light | 7 |
26 | Orphanage Lobby | Glass/Stein | 7 |
27 | Orphanage Stairs | Sign Arrows | 7 |
28 | Orphanage Hallway | Mushroom/Mushroom | 7 |
29 | Orphanage – Hand Room | Mushrooms/? | 7 |
30 | Orphanage – Machine Room | Face/Face | 7 |
31 | Orphanage – Padded Room | Rat/Rat | 8 |
32 | Orphanage – Outside Directors Office | Picture/Picture | 8 |
33 | Outside Orphanage | Bush/Bush | 8 |
34 | Cemetery | Owl/Squirrel | 8 |
35 | Orphanage – Director’s Office | Book/? | 8 |
36 | Kim’s Car | Bird/Pigeon | 8 |
Bonus Play
Once you have completed the game, the PLAY selection on the main menu changes to PLAY BONUS CHAPTER.
This is a pre-quill to the story, set 25 years earlier. There are NO Beyond objects!

- Access the desk.
- Collect the SCISSORS and LOCKER KEY.
- Open the case file. Note the case number: 3-4-1.
- Exit the office.
- In the reception area, use the LOCKER KEY on the locker. Collect the BELT.
- Pick up the POLICE BATON from the bench.
- Return to the office.

- Access the jail cell window.
- Use the BELT to snag the latch and open the door.
- Collect the THREE BUTTONS from the hidden object area.
- Return to the reception area.

- Access the safe behind the desk (A).
- Place the THREE BUTTONS in the number panel.
- The code is the number from the case file: 3-4-1.
- Collect the MASK and HOUSE KEY.
- Access the locker (B).
- Place the MASK on the face in the locker. The panel opens.
- Collect the HANDCUFFS and TWEEZERS.
- Exit the police station to the street outside Sam’s home.
- Use SCISSORS to cut the crime scene tape from the door.
- Use the HOUSE KEY to gain entrance.

- Access the spinning wheel.
- Use the TWEEZERS to pick up the MIRROR FRAGMENT. Collect the NAIL FILE.
- Go upstairs to the children’s playroom.
- Use the POLICE BATON on the sconce outside the door (B).
- Collect the STAR.
- Use the STAR to unlock the door (C). A hidden object area appears.
- Collect another MIRROR FRAGMENT.
- Go upstairs.
- Place both MIRROR FRAGMENTS in the broken mirror. Collect the CHILDREN’S PLAYROOM KEY.
- Pick up the COAL TONGS in the hallway.
- Open the CHILDREN’S PLAYROOM with the KEY.
- Enter and talk to Kim

- Collect the SMALL KNIFE from the hidden object area (A).
- Use the COAL TONGS to retrieve the METAL RING from the coals.
- Go downstairs.
- Talk to Kim.
- Receive the ORPHANAGE KEY.
- Return to the police station.

- Pick up the FLASHLIGHT (A).
- Go to the orphanage (B) and gain access with the ORPHANAGE KEY.
- Access the doll in the chair.
- Use the SMALL KNIFE to pry off the plate on the back.
- Continue up the corridor.
- Enter the padded room.

- Collect the MAGNIFYING GLASS (A).
- Use the METAL RING on the trap door rung.
- Enter the small room (B).
- Use the FLASHLIGHT to find the lamp. Insert the LIGHTBULB.
- Pick up the SLEDGE HAMMER (C).
- Access the dollhouse (D).
- Use the NAIL FILE to saw off the roof parts.
- Read the note.
- Return to the director’s office.
- Use the SLEDGE HAMMER to open it.

- Collect the HALF OF A FIGURINE (A).
- Access the desk (B).
- Use the SMALL KNIFE to scrape off the green gunk.
- Use the MAGNIFYING GLASS TO READ the message under the gunk.
- Place the PAPER WITH HOLES over the books with symbols. Collect a NOTE WITH CODE.
- Exit the orphanage.
- Collect a CROWBAR from the hidden object area in the parking lot.
- Return to the director’s office.
- Use the CROWBAR to pry the boards off the cabinet (C).
- Read the property rights document. Collect the TOY SHOP KEY.
- Go to the toy shop.

- Collect the MATCHES and HALF OF A FIGURINE (A).
- Access the box by the cash register (B).
- Place both HALVES OF A FIGURINE in the oval.
- Drag the NOTE WITH CODE to the box.
- Click the matching the buttons on the box and the code.
- Retrieve the WORKSHOP KEY.
- Access the lock to the workshop (C).
- Use the MATCHES to melt the wax covering the key hole.
- Unlock the door with the WORKSHOP KEY.
- Enter the workshop.

- Collect the SOCKET (A).
- Place the SOCKET on the exposed wires on the wall (B).
- Insert the plug into the socket to turn on the lights.
- Access the area behind privacy curtains (C).
- Remove the cover from the clown.
- Read the dialogue.
- Return to the orphanage.
- Enter the director’s office. Morgan flees.
- Exit the orphanage.
- Use the HANDCUFFS on Morgan in the parking lot.
- Watch the cut scene.
Congratulations! You have finished the bonus chapter of Stray Souls: Dollhouse Story Collector’s Edition.
Click the Extra Content door on the main menu to access Storyline, Deleted Scenes, Wallpaper, Media and Concept art.